Sunday, September 7, 2008

Day 9, Sept 7

After a good nights sleep, we drove back to the Coos Bay airport and had to wait for the heavy fog to lift. As I pulled my plane from the hangar, to my surprise, I was barely able to start the engine, dead battery! Well, the battery was ok, but the alternator had gone south! Since we were going to an airpark where there are over 53 RV's housed, I decided to make the flight without battery power (no radio, no instrumentation, no gas gages, only the standby airspeed indicator).

We three planes flew up the Oregon coast line for several miles before turning inland toward the Independence, OR airpark.

We were met by one of the RV residents, Bob Brown, who had made prior arrangements for lodging with RV owners. They also had a covered dish (plus ribs) supper for us where we met several residents. This place is paradise for flying people. The taxi ways and road are laid out to accommodate airplanes. RV construction is going on everywhere. I wish we had such back home. Well, back to the bad alternator. I was able to pull the plane into Bill Boyle's hangar where we removed the alternator. Bob Brown took me to several auto parts stores, but none had one in stock. In the morning, he will take me to a electrical rebuilder close by. Assuming I get the alternator working in the morning, we plan to go see the Spruce Goose at a museum not far from here. Then on to Van's factory for a tour. Beyond that, our schedule is flexible. The remaining desirable stops are an Idaho grass strip, Mount Rushmore, and Jackson Hole. After that, we will likely head home. Again, you have to see this airpark to appreciate it. The houses and hangars are built as one, and are they nice!!


Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures and I really enjoyed the detailed report. You two make quite a team. You'll have to put together a slide show for us when you get home.
keeping all of you in my prayers.

Cosmosrobby said...

You guys be safe...and good luck with finding the correct alt. parts..Pics are great. I think I remember somebody trying to convince you build an airstrip on the property close to good..we start heading out in the next day..REB and AVB

Cosmosrobby said...

ps. If you're flying over Mt. Rushmore...also fly over the Badlands...they are something to see.

rv7boy said...

I've been following your trip via Doug's APRS tracks and your blog. The photos are really good. Also, you made the front page of Doug Reeves' VAF web page again today. Bob, thanks for the description of the landings; I remember one in particular, but let's not talk about it. Enjoy the vacation, there are so very few people who get to do what y'all are doing!